Cardiovascular Integrated Physicians (CVIP) provides the following vein center services.

Venous (Vein) Insufficiency

Leg veins contain valves that open and close to help with return of blood flow back to the heart. Venous insufficiency is when the vein becomes dilated and the valves in the vein no longer function appropriately. This can cause blood to pool in the legs, causing congestion, varicose veins, swelling, leg heaviness, leg aching, burning sensation in the skin, discoloration, and ulcers. Lower extremity venous insufficiency is diagnosed with a lower extremity venous (LEV) ultrasound completed in a doctor’s office. Treatment includes wearing compression stockings or an office-based vein ablation procedure.


Office-Based Venous Ablation

For ongoing symptomatic venous insufficiency, vein ablation may be a treatment option for patients. Performed in a doctor’s office, this procedure requires insertion of a small catheter in the vein and with ultrasound guidance, the diseased vein is closed off with either radiofrequency generated heat (ClosureFast) or special vascular glue (VenaSeal). With ClosureFast, the heat generated from the catheter causes the diseased vein to shrink and close. In contrast, the vascular glue (VenaSeal) seals the vein immediately. Patients leave the office with a bandage over the catheter insertion site and are able to walk normally. Following the procedure, regardless of whether ClosureFast or VenaSeal was employed, the blood will re-route itself to the healthy deeper veins back to the heart, relieving the pressure in lower extremities.